Monday, February 20, 2006


Morphy continues to be a source of amusement, comfort, and frustration. He enjoys climbing into tightly enclosed places like wastepaper bins, and when he's really happy he sticks his tongue out, which is rather Carrolian (if that's a word - I'm thinking of the Cheshire cat saying that the cat is perverse because he growls when he's happy and wags his tail when angry).

When he's active he's bouncing off the walls. I have to shut him out of the bathroom now because he completely destroys the toilet roll, or at least spreads it all over the floor, if given the chance. He now wakes me up with purring and clawing at 3.30am if I'm lucky, and I pretty much have to put him outside at that point if I want any sleep. It's very sweet really, all he wants to do is cuddle. At least he now goes out by himself and so isn't stuck inside all day getting bored.

Here are some of zillions of pics I have of him. As you can see, he's getting pretty big now. Sitting in Marci's arms he looks a bit like a tiger cub or something.


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