Thursday, February 02, 2006

Are you a tolerant religionist?

Here's test for your tolerance.


Jesus never existed as depicted in the gospels. How does that make you feel? What about if I said that the biblical God is a maniacal bigoted despot? Does that irritate you?

How about: Jesus, if he existed, was an airy-fairy hippy who advocated the principle that bumming off other people was the holiest lifestyle choice, plagiarised some stuff about being nice to people that moral philosophers like Confucious came up with centuries before, viciously condemned swathes of people to eternal hellfire for no better reason than refusing to submit to blind delusion, and generally did nothing whatsoever to help us come up with the moral principles we hold so dear today, such as freedom, equality, and the precedence of reason? Basically, he was a twat. How does that make you feel?

Not much? Didn't think so.


The Vedas is a tissue of nonsensical fairy tales that only a child would be duped by. A little upset? How about if I said that the concept of Vishnu is wholly ridiculous. Anyone who thinks there's a powerful floaty presence with multiple arms must be utterly dense. And as for Ganesh - what on earth's with the trunk for goodness' sake? Are you people crazy?

A trifle angry? Think I've overstepped the bounds of decency?


Your God, Allah, does not exist. Mohammed was a vicious supremacist with shoddy values and bad hygiene. The Koran is not just tripe, it is perhaps the most despicably immoral pile of ************** I wouldn't wipe my ******** ...

Oh dear...I'm feeling nervous now. I've had to self-censor this section, I'm so concerned. I've probably offended your core sensibilities, haven't I? I deserve to be smitten, not just by your God, but by your very hand. I deserve punishment. For some frickin' words.

People, these are just words. They mean nothing without actions. Neither do they incite any actions. Why is it that Muslims seem to find it harder to see that than Hindus, and Hindus harder than Christians? I don't know. Christians believe a complete load of hogwash too, just like all other religionists, so it probably isn't just about the religion itself.

Everyone try:

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of eldeberries. How's that? Your mother was a prostitute, and your sister is so ugly her face launched a thousand ships - because they were so desperate to get away. Worse? Should I go on?

I have to watch my language because if I don't, I'll be in breach of the contract I made with the good people of blogspot. Why is that? What is it about people that their sensibilities deserve to take priority over other people's actions, regardless of whether those other people know anything about their sensibilities?

If your beliefs are so important to you that they cannot face scrutiny, ridicule, mockery, or offense, then hide yourself away, don't talk to anyone or read anything or listen to anything. Because the world does not revolve around you.


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